
This website is my project for DGAH 110.00 Hacking the Humanities

A few of my favorite things

I believe that these are the elements that make any project wholistic and fruitful.

Creativity and Design

There should be ample room for creative brainstorming for any project. Every idea is valuable, even the far-fetched ones!

Intellectual Rigor

A rationale and critical thinking form the foundations of any credible project.


The soul of the project is its makers and audience. Collaboration builds bridges that you didn’t even think could exist!

Play & Whimsy

A playful approach fills the process with joy and innovation. The process should be as enriching as the final destination.


No field of study works in isolation. Learning from ideas and projects composed by other fields in similar topics diversifies the mind’s eye and the reach of the project.

Higher Purpose

Meaningful projects are connected to the greater good of communities and/or harmonious co-existence.

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